Construction Truck Accident Lawyer

Construction Truck Accident Lawyer June 2024

Construction Truck Accident Lawyer a significant share of the traffic on our roads. The most prevalent accidents involve dump trucks, which are frequently employed for hauling materials like sand, soil, dirt, asphalt, or gravel.[

Potential Accidents

Operating a dump truck demands thorough training and expertise. Unfortunately, many drivers lack proper training in handling these sizable and weighty vehicles, leading to potential accidents.

Moreover, dump truck operators are frequently incentivized with higher pay for transporting heavy loads, yet they may need more experience to manage such loads safely.

Construction Truck Accident Lawyer

Drivers are incentivized to carry heavier loads, which translates to higher earnings. However, this can lead to instances where trucks are overloaded. Overloading poses significant risks, making it challenging to halt the vehicle and potentially causing hazardous materials to spill, endangering other vehicles.

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Furthermore, drivers, often burdened with excessive workloads, may resort to reckless driving practices. If you or a loved one has been involved in a Construction Truck Accident Lawyer the legal team at the Duncan Firm is available to assist you with their expertise.

Notably, Duncan Firm achieved a landmark $17 million verdict in a Construction Truck Accident Lawyer case involving a dump truck, marking one of the largest jury verdicts in Arkansas history for such incidents.

How Can Our Lawyers Help?

You could be entitled to financial compensation if you’ve been involved in a dump truck or construction accident. When reckless driving by a Construction Truck Accident Lawyer truck driver leads to an accident, the major construction company and the driver may bear responsibility.

Fulfilling claims against dump truck drivers who work for government agencies can be challenging. At Duncan Firm, our legal team has extensive experience with dump truck accidents and will streamline the process to ensure our clients receive the justice they deserve.

Criminal Prosecution.

Companies employing dump truck drivers for government entities may invoke sovereign immunity in many instances. This legal principle asserts that a sovereign entity cannot be held liable for legal wrongs and is thus immune to civil suits and criminal prosecution.

However, the legal team at Duncan Firm is well-versed in navigating sovereign immunity defenses often utilized by construction companies, ensuring our clients receive the rightful compensation they deserve.

We’re here to assist if you’re grappling with the aftermath of a dump truck or Construction Truck Accident Lawyer.

How Do I Get Help With Filing An Accident Claim?

Individuals can pursue claims for injury or wrongful death, enabling them to seek total compensation after an accident. If you’ve sustained a personal injury, you may be eligible for compensation covering:

  • Medical treatments
  • At-home medical care and life care plans
  • Adaptive medical devices
  • Lost wages due to time off work
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Emotional trauma
  • Pain and suffering

Construction Truck Accident Lawyer, given their size and the weight they carry, have the potential to inflict significant damage. We recognize the profound impact accidents can have on individuals’ lives and are dedicated to assisting clients in recovering from their losses.

Why Contact Duncan Firm?

The repercussions of a Construction Truck Accident Lawyer can be substantial, altering lives in profound ways. If you’re grappling with the aftermath of a severe accident, know that you don’t have to face it alone.

At Duncan Firm, our legal team is committed to standing by your side and ensuring justice is served.

With Phillip Duncan’s extensive experience, having secured over $100 million in jury verdicts and substantial settlements throughout his 45-year career, you can trust that your case is in capable hands. Beyond our expertise in claims, we deeply care about every client we serve.

Contact us today to connect with a skilled, experienced lawyer specializing in Construction Truck Accident Lawyer. We assist clients in Arkansas, Los Angeles, New York City, and nationwide. 

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