Hostload Exceeded


  • The problem has been reported by users of the search console who are hosted on a variety of web hosting platforms.

  • Problem reported by users worldwide

Over the weekend, Google Search Console puzzled users due to its inability to index webpages, accompanied by an enigmatic message stating, “Failure: Hostload Exceeded.”

In their attempts to resolve the issue, several publishers reached out to their web hosting providers, only to discover that the problem did not originate from the hosting side.

The prevailing assumption was that the issue originated from Google’s end.

John Mueller from Google stepped in to assist in solving the mystery.

The “Hostload Exceeded” problem is not related to web hosting providers.


At least two conversations within the private Affiliate SEO Mastermind Facebook group highlighted concerns regarding websites hosted on Namecheap, where they encountered the “Failed: Hostload exceeded” problem.

A post within a WordPress/Bloggers Facebook Group brought attention to an individual encountering host load exceeded issues while using an Indian web hosting service, DRWebhost.
Moreover, numerous individuals on X (formerly Twitter) reported that their websites, hosted on Hostinger, also faced difficulty requesting indexing.


Hostinger initiated an incident report and conveyed the following message:

In an update, they confirmed that they had pinpointed the problem, and by the following day, which was Saturday, they officially marked the incident as resolved.

However, many search console users continued to assert that the problem had not been rectified.
The issue is broader than a single web hosting provider.

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In contrast to the suggested solutions proposed by some, it was confirmed that the problem was unrelated to bandwidth or crawling issues at the web hosting level.

Every individual verified that the issue did not originate from the web Hostload Exceeded.
Ultimately, the cause of this widespread indexing problem became evident.

Google’s support pages have been inundated with reports of indexing failures.

The Google Support Center witnessed a significant influx of users seeking assistance for the “hostload exceeded” error.

I searched Google’s support portal using the keyword “Hostload Exceeded,” narrowing the results to the past week, and found nearly 40 requests for assistance.

Screenshot Of Search Results

This report was typical:

What’s Going On With Search Console Indexing?

Google’s John Mueller actively participated in the discussion and offered insights into the situation.
In a related tweet, a person posted:

John Mueller responded with the following statement: “I wouldn’t worry about it – normal crawling and indexing is generally fine. Hostload Exceeded”

In response to Ammon John’s request for further details, John Mueller retweeted a post from another user, suggesting that the issue seemed to be affecting only low-quality websites.

Not An Issue With Search Console

Ammon Johns took to Twitter and requested greater transparency:

Ammon Johns made a compelling argument in his tweet:
“If it’s not a significant concern, then it should not be too secretive to explain, right? Explaining would reassure many people, and it’s precisely the kind of transparency that many of us would appreciate seeing more of from Hostload Exceeded Google.”

Mueller’s response implies that individuals encountering host load exceeded issues might be submitting excessive URLs.
In response to a different tweet seeking assistance, Mueller inquired about the specific circumstances when the problem occurred.

Typically, Google refrains from indexing webpages when there are quality concerns. Hostload Exceeded
Mueller did not explicitly mention any quality problems in this case. However, another individual pointed out that they had yet to be naturally indexed since the core update, hinting that quality issues might be a factor for some individuals.

This subject is developing, and we will revise this article with any additional information that emerges.

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