Legal Intake Answering Service May 2024

Legal Intake Answering Service

If you require outsourced legal intake services, consider Answering Legal. Legal intake is critical to law firm operations and should be handled carefully.

Answering Legal

Our Legal Intake Receptionists handle legal intakes around 21,600 times daily, setting us apart from other answering services. Let’s explore the significance of legal intake and why Answering Legal is the right choice over competitors.

Superior legal intake training

Our Legal Intake Receptionists are individually trained to handle the legal intake process for your firm. Answering Legal conducts weekly new account meetings to discuss the specifics of your legal intake when you first engage in our services.

We continuously monitor the process to maintain high-quality standards. Our training is thorough; each new operator spends hours practicing and listening to actual calls before taking their first live call.

Other answering services only take messages

When a potential new client calls and isn’t asked for any information about their case, they may perceive your customer service as incompetent or lacking thoroughness.

This could lead to suspicion and prompt them to seek another attorney, potentially your competition. Conducting a legal intake immediately during the first call reassures the caller that you will assist them with their case and will be diligent in your investigation and follow-up.

Experience the difference with Answering Legal with a free 7-day trial. We guarantee that our Legal Intake Receptionists will provide superior service to your current answering service. No contracts, no commitments.


Legal intake answering services are an excellent way for law firms to streamline operations and capture new leads. Here’s some information to get you started in May 2024:

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What it is:

  • A service that uses virtual receptionists to answer calls from potential clients and conduct legal intake.
  • Intake specialists gather critical information like contact details, the nature of legal issues, and urgency.


  • Reduced administrative burden: Frees up lawyers and staff to focus on legal work.
  • Capture new clients: Ensures you get all the calls, even after hours or on weekends.
  • Improved efficiency: Qualifies leads and schedules appointments for qualified clients.

Things to Consider:

  • Cost:  Pricing varies depending on features and call volume.
  • Features: Look for services that integrate with your CRM and calendar software.
  • Training: Make sure the company trains receptionists on legal terminology and procedures.

Finding a Service:

  • Several companies offer legal intake answering services.
  • You can search online for “[legal intake answering service].”
  • Look for reviews and compare features and pricing before making a decision.

Here are some additional benefits of using a legal intake answering service:

  • Improved client service: Potential clients can get help immediately, leading to increased satisfaction.
  • Reduced risk: Trained intake specialists can screen out unqualified leads and avoid wasting time.
  • Scalability: As your needs change, you can quickly increase or decrease your service level.

If you’re considering using a legal intake answering service, May 2024 is a great time to start!

Here’s some more in-depth information on legal Intake answering services:

Types of Services Offered:

Basic Answering: Takes messages and relays them to you.

Legal Intake Qualified: Receptionists are trained on common legal issues and can ask preliminary questions to qualify leads.

  • Appointment Setting: Schedule appointments with qualified leads based on your availability.
  • After-Hours and Weekend Coverage: Ensure you get calls within all business hours.
  • Online Intake Management: Integrates with your website to capture inquiries and basic client information.

Additional Considerations:

  • Security: Ensure the service provider has robust security measures to protect client data.
  • Scalability: Choose a service that can grow with your firm’s needs.
  • Communication: Ensure clear communication protocols are established between you and the service provider.

Questions to Ask Potential Providers:

  1. What is your experience with legal Intake?
  2. How do you train your receptionists on legal terminology?
  3. What security measures do you have in place?
  4. How do you integrate with my existing software?
  5. What is your pricing structure?
  6. Can you provide references?

By considering these additional factors and asking the right questions, you can ensure you choose a legal intake answering service that meets your specific needs and helps your law firm thrive.

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