Maritime Injury Lawyers with the Most Significant Legal Victories

The offshore drilling sector and various maritime industries are crucial to fueling our country and maintaining international commerce. The oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico contributes approximately $30.8 billion to the U.S. gross domestic product, as reported by the American Petroleum Institute.

However, the individuals employed on offshore platforms, Maritime Injury Lawyers vessels, shipyards and port facilities frequently encounter severe hazards that jeopardize their health and safety.

The Maritime Injury Lawyers industry faces significant risks from equipment failures, safety breaches, and weather-related emergencies. Inadequate training and lapses in safety procedures can swiftly lead to devastating offshore accidents or explosions, resulting in life-changing consequences.

Maritime Injury Lawyers workers who are injured, along with their families, frequently have to cope with their challenges independently, despite employers’ assurances of support or compensation. Regrettably, these promises often fall short.

From our experience, following an offshore accident, Maritime Injury Lawyers employers and their insurance representatives focus primarily on minimizing their financial outlay, often offering compensation that falls well short of covering the full extent of the victim’s injuries and losses.

Offshore and Maritime Sectors in the U.S.

The Maritime Injury Lawyers sector is crucial to the economies of Texas, Louisiana, and other coastal states. It not only provides direct employment but also supports various industries that collectively offer jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans nationwide.

Offshore Oil and Gas Sector

The offshore oil and gas sector stands as the most lucrative Maritime Injury Lawyers industry in U.S. coastal waters. Encompassing activities such as drilling, production, and support services, this industry provides about 200,000 to 400,000 jobs across the country.

These roles span various positions on drilling rigs, in offshore operations, and within associated fields like engineering, logistics, and manufacturing.

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Offshore Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico

Most the nation’s offshore drilling activities are concentrated in the western and central Gulf of Mexico, particularly off the coasts of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. As of 2023, major players in Gulf Coast drilling operations include Chevron, Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Delfin LNG, Beacon Offshore Energy, ConocoPhillips, Allseas Group, Hess Corporation, and Anadarko Petroleum Corp.

In April 2010, a devastating well blowout led to a catastrophic explosion on BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig near the Louisiana coast, resulting in the deaths of 11 workers and injuries to many others. By the time the well was successfully capped on July 15, over four million barrels of crude oil had leaked into the Gulf of Mexico, inflicting severe environmental damage.

Our undefeated Maritime Injury Lawyers achieved highly favourable and confidential settlements for five workers severely injured in the Deepwater Horizon incident.

Frequent Causes of Offshore Injuries and Fatalities

Challenges and Hazards for Offshore and Maritime Workers

Offshore and Maritime Injury Lawyers workers encounter distinct risks and challenges that can cause serious injuries or fatalities. Although the causes can differ based on the work and the specific location, some of the most frequent causes of injury and death in these industries include:

Common Hazards Faced by Offshore and Maritime Injury Lawyers Workers

Slips, Trips, and Falls: 

Slippery decks, uneven surfaces, and the constant motion of vessels can lead to accidents involving slips, trips, and falls. These incidents can cause injuries, ranging from minor bruises to more serious fractures and head trauma.

Falls from Heights: 

Working at elevated heights on platforms, rigs, or ships increases the risk of falls. Inadequate fall protection or improper use of safety gear can cause severe injuries or fatalities.

Machinery Accidents:

 The operation of heavy machinery in offshore and maritime environments poses risks. Insufficient training, equipment failures, or poor maintenance can lead to accidents, crush injuries, or limb amputations.

Fires and Explosions:

 The presence of flammable materials in offshore drilling and transport increases the risk of fires and explosions. Workers may suffer burns, respiratory issues, or other traumatic injuries.

Chemical Exposures: 

Exposure to hazardous chemicals and substances, such as oil and toxic gases, can lead to chemical burns, respiratory problems, and long-term health complications.

Equipment Malfunctions:

 Failures in critical equipment, such as blowouts on drilling rigs or engine breakdowns on vessels, can have serious consequences for safety and operations.

Weather and Environmental Factors: 

Offshore workers face extreme weather, rough seas, and harsh environments. Adverse weather can cause accidents and injuries, or exacerbate existing health conditions.

Lifting and Manual Handling: 

Improper handling of heavy loads and equipment can lead to back injuries, strains, and musculoskeletal disorders if proper lifting techniques or equipment are not used.

Fatigue and Long Hours: 

Extended shifts and irregular hours typical of offshore work can lead to fatigue. Fatigued workers are more prone to errors and may overlook essential safety measures.

Navigating Maritime Law Following an Offshore Injury or Fatality

Workers in the offshore and maritime sectors in the United States have distinct legal rights and protections when they suffer injuries on the job. These rights are intended to guarantee that injured workers receive proper medical treatment, fair compensation for their injuries, and adequate support throughout their recovery process.

Steps to Take Following an Offshore Injury: A Guide

Protecting Your Rights After an Offshore Accident

Maritime companies are acutely aware of the potential financial repercussions following an offshore accident or explosion, often facing millions in liabilities. If you or a loved one are injured or killed in such an incident, be prepared for the company to act swiftly. They will probably engage a team of high-profile attorneys and take measures to minimize their liability and reduce the compensation you receive.

To ensure you and your family receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses, it is crucial to act promptly:

  1. Report Injuries Immediately: Inform your supervisor of any injuries so that an official report can be created.
  2. Seek Medical Attention: Request medical care from your supervisor, but remember that you are not obligated to see the company doctor.
  3. Avoid Signing Documents: Do not sign any documents or make statements without consulting an experienced Maritime Injury Lawyers. Besides the incident report, you are not required to sign or record any other statements, as these could be used against you.
  4. Gather Information: Collect the names and contact details of witnesses, along with the time and date of the incident.
  5. Document the Scene: If possible, take photographs of the accident site and anything that might have contributed to your injury.
  6. Address Maintenance and cure: If your employer fails to promptly provide maintenance and cure as required, seek advice from an offshore injury lawyer.
  7. Consult Before Settling: Do not discuss settlement offers or accept any money from your employer until you have consulted with a Maritime Injury Lawyers and fully understand the extent of your injuries and the financial implications for your present and future needs.

Taking these steps can help ensure that you protect your rights and secure the compensation you deserve.

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