Chuzhou City Vocational College Personal Injury Accident Emergency Plan 2024

Purpose of formulation. In order to effectively prevent, promptly control and properly handle sudden personal injury accidents of teachers, students and staff of the school,

protect the legitimate rights and interests of the school, teachers, students and staff, promptly eliminate the impact of personal injury accidents, and improve the ability to respond quickly and handle emergencies.

National Overall Emergency Personal Injury Accident Plan

In accordance with the “Education Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China,” and with reference to the “Measures for. Handling.

Student Injury Accidents” of the Ministry of Education, the “National Overall Emergency Plan for Public Emergencies”,

the “Emergency Response Law” and other relevant laws, regulations and relevant provisions, combined with the actual situation of the school, this plan is specially formulated.

School’s Emergency Response Lleading Group

Working principles. The school has formed an emergency response team to address unexpected personal injury incidents involving teachers, students, and staff (referred to as the “emergency working group”).

Under the leadership of the school’s emergency response leading group, the emergency working group will respond quickly, correctly and effectively to the handling of sudden personal injury accidents involving teachers, students and staff of the unit.

Personal Injury Accidents

Scope of application. The scope of personnel for sudden personal injury accidents involving teachers, students and staff referred to in this plan covers all teachers, students and staff of the school, including accidents such as accidental injuries, traffic Personal Injury Accident, sudden deaths, suicides, etc.

that causePersonal Injury Accident to teachers, students and staff during all activities on campus and normal teaching and scientific research activities outside the campus (including internships, second classes, cultural and sports activities, overseas exchanges, etc.).

Emergency Response Agencies

Composition of . The emergency work group is composed of the heads of the units where teachers, students and staff are located and members of relevant departments. The unit where teachers, students and staff are located in the event of a sudden personal injury accident is the first responsible unit for emergency response.

The head of the work group is the school leader in charge of safety and students, the executive deputy head is the main person in charge of the unit involved, and the members are composed of the office, publicity and United Front Department, student affairs office, security office, general affairs office, trade union staff and other relevant personnel.

School Emergency  Leadership Group

Main responsibilities of the emergency work group. Under the leadership of the school emergency leadership group, the emergency work group is responsible for emergency management within the scope of its responsibilities, and for the prevention and handling of sudden personal injury accidents.

This includes: going to the scene of the incident in a timely manner to command and handle the situation, prevent the situation from escalating, and report relevant information to the school emergency leadership group in a timely manner.

Emergency Response

Timely reporting. After an Personal Injury Accident occurs, the person in charge of the unit involved should rush to the scene as soon as possible and report to the school duty post and the school leader in charge (contact) as soon as possible; if serious injuries or casualties occur, report to the school’s main leaders as soon as possible, and the school will report to the superior in accordance with relevant regulations.

Emergency Work Group

Immediate treatment. If an Personal Injury Accident occurs on campus, the emergency work group, school duty personnel or on-site personnel should immediately contact the school doctor to check the injured person’s condition

if the injury is serious, the injured person should be sent to the hospital for treatment in a timely manner according to the doctor’s orders, and personnel should be organized to take care of the injured person and notify relatives in a timely manner.

The emergency work group should report to the leadership group office as soon as possible.

The Leading Group Office shall immediately report to the Leading Group. Based on the nature of the emergency, the Leading Group shall decide whether to convene the emergency working group or relevant personnel to hold a special meeting to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the emergency.

The Leading Group Office will make reporting opinions based on the nature of the incident and, with the approval of the Leading Group, report it to the relevant superior departments in a timely manner.

Security Department

In the event of serious injury or death, the Security Department shall immediately report the case to the local public security agency, protect the accident scene and related evidence, and assist the public security police in conducting on-site investigation and collecting evidence.

If the injury accident occurs outside the school, the unit of the party involved or the person with knowledge of the incident shall report the case to the local public security department as soon as possible.

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Investigate and collect evidence. The relevant functional departments such as the unit of the party involved, the Security Office, and the Student Affairs Office shall form an investigation team to learn the cause of the accident in detail and report to the school.

If necessary, the local public security department may be asked to cooperate and assist the public security organs in completing the investigation and evidence collection, accident appraisal, etc.


The emergency working group, with the assistance of the school’s legal advisor, analyzes matters such as legal liability and reports to the school’s emergency leadership group as soon as possible.

The emergency working group and the relatives of the injured will jointly negotiate and resolve the issue. For important talks, the emergency working group will make written records or audio recordings.

If the two parties reach an agreement through negotiation, the leader of the emergency working group will sign a written agreement on behalf of the school and the relatives after review by the school’s legal advisor and approval by the school’s principal leaders, and the agreement will be implemented in full.

Emergency Working Group

If the two parties cannot reach a consensus through negotiation, the emergency working group shall guide the other party to resolve the dispute through mediation or litigation.

If the dispute has entered the arbitration and litigation legal procedures, the school’s petition office will take the lead in responding to the lawsuit, and the emergency working group will provide corresponding evidence materials to support it.

School’s Emergency Leading Group

If the school is legally responsible for any Personal Injury Accident, it shall provide appropriate compensation. If the school is not required to bear any liability according to the law, it may, based on the actual situation and on the principle of voluntariness and possibility, provide appropriate financial assistance to the injured.

If the school is required to bear liability for compensation or provide subsidies, the insurer should first make compensation based on the school’s liability and additional no-fault liability insurance contract.

The shortfall in payment shall be studied by the emergency working group and reported to the school’s emergency leading group for study and decision.

The school office shall issue unified statements, release information in a timely manner, report the truth of the accident, maintain effective communication with off-campus media, take the lead in public opinion, and maintain the normal learning and work order of the school.

United Front Work Department

The Party Committee’s Propaganda and United Front Work Department is responsible for public opinion regarding the aftermath of the incident, including positive publicity and guidance of the incident, as well as active response to negative news.

Personnel at all levels of the school are not allowed to spread the news in their personal names. If any outside news media requests an interview, it must be approved by the Party Committee Propaganda and United Front Work Department.

This plan shall be implemented from the date of publication and the Security Department shall be responsible for its interpretation.

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